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    【有片】【曲终人未散】追宝尾! 市内多处仍有Nuit Blanche展览品(图)

    尽管上周六的白夜行(Nuit Blanche)已圆满结束!市府提醒市民,市内还有多达35个艺术展览,直展10月10日感恩节以后,才会移走。市民仍是可以把握机会,欣赏这些未有拆除的艺术品,它们散落在多市市中心、北约克、士嘉堡和怡陶谷。


    • Avataq – Waterfront by Couzyn van Heuvelen (sponsored by Oxford Properties Group)

    • Daughters of the diaspora by Destinie Adelakun (sponsored by Oxford Properties Group)

    • iskocēs: okihcitāw-iskwēw-kamik ohci (sparks/embers for the leading-woman-lodge) by Cheryl L’Hirondelle

    • A Scholar’s rock cut in half to reveal an outline of Lake Ontario by Ken Lum (sponsored by Concord Adex)

    • Mana Moana by Michael Bridgman and Rachael Rakena (sponsored by the Waterfront BIA)

    • Namahisvárri by Carola Grahn

    • Saputiit – Fish Weir Skate Plaza by Mark Igloliorte

    • Tailings Pool by Tsēmā (sponsored by Scarborough Town Centre)

    • Untying Space_Yonge 8 Adelaide by Sun K. Kwak (sponsored by Deloitte)

    • Wagari: Dabiyil, Biram – Vessel: water and sky by Artists: Sonja Carmichael, Elisa Jane Carmichael, Freja Carmichael (sponsored by Humber College)

    • Why so many ties? by Ludovic Boney (sponsored by Scarborough Town Centre)

    • கோலம் (Kolam): A Parallel Coexistence by Whyishnave Suthagar (sponsored by Scarborough Town Centre)


    视频为Scarborough Town Centre内由Ludovic Boney设计的 Why so many ties? (明报记者摄)

